First Critique

The critiques that I received from my peers were all useful and helpful in understanding what I did correctly and what I did incorrectly.

There were comments on my yellow structure having axial symmetry and my red structure having bilateral symmetry. I’m not certain if they meant it in a positive or negative way, but it was something.

My yellow structure was viewed as tree that could have been from a Dr. Suess book with it’s wobblily and wonky appearance.

Image result for dr seuss art

While, my red structure was seen as various things: a fish, water splashing, a giraffe, a dragon, a dinosaur, and an insect.

Image result for dragon transparent symbol

When presenting the structures, I had them leaning against one another due to the red structure getting damaged on the way to class and no longer standing on its own. While not my intention, the class saw the two structures as being a pair and were best when put together.

The biggest criticism might have been from myself, but no one disagreed. Afer viewing everyone else’s modular structures, I found that I limited myself too much to only having 25 units per structure. I concluded that I could have taken the pieces further with more units and that limiting myself in this case didn’t benefit the pieces.

If I were to redo the structures, I would probably keep the same colors for each structure as well as keep similar design aspects about each. However, I would not only do 25 units, I would make as many as necessary and stop once I felt the structure could not only stand on its own but also filled out enough. Individually speaking, I thought the red structure needed a better base to hold it up, but also just more units in general to avoid the gaps I had before. As for the yellow structure, I would have made more clusters of the units so I could make the structure taller to fit in more twists and turns.

Overall, as I stated earlier, I think all of the critiques I got were useful enough that I know now how I want to improve for the future.