Multi-Purpose Tools


Okay, I know neither look all that creative but hear me out!

My intention with tool one is to use it for dragging, pulling, pushing, lifting, and cutting. As well as making indents or little patterns by repeating it. It can either be attached to a handle, held at the sides, or held at the back. Given it hasn’t been printed yet, I have no clue how it will turn out. I think It will turn out well and be more useful than it may look.

Tool two’s purpose on the other hand is for making texture through rolling it or stamping it. As well as for making craters and round circular imprints by using the ends. It looks like it could be used as a roller but, I purposefully made the inside thinner so it wasn’t just a roller. I don’t even think it could work as roller?

Regardless, while boring, I made them with purposes in mind.

Something worth noting, I didn’t use TinkerCAD because I felt a little too limited. I used blender instead since I’m more accustomed to it and was able to make do bit more that I couldn’t while in TinkerCAD.