Nikki S. Lee

Lee Seung-Hee, known as Nikki S. Lee in the United States, is a Korean artist who is currently based in Seoul. She is a graduate of Chung-Ang University, the Fashion Institute of Technology, and New York University in 1993, 1994, and 1998 respectively. While she has worked in various different mediums for a multitude of projects, I’m going to focus on her Parts series in which she explores her identity through art.

Her drawings are created by taking a series of photographs of herself, drawing each one individually, before layer all of the photos together to bring us the result shown above. The photographs, however, are what are most important, at least to me. Before the shot is taken, she dresses herself up to relate to various American Subcultures, then she has random passerby’s take the photo of her. She doesn’t just keep and draw any of the images taken of her, but only the ones she deems as the most recognizable to herself.

After the pictures are drawn out she digitally layers them, which allows her to play around with the brightness and contrast, as well as, adds some Gaussian blur effects until she is satisfied with the result. Leaving us with the eerie photos shown.